Introducing the

The Techies Go Green Community Network is a dedicated space for members to connect, share progress, and access valuable sustainability resources. By joining, members can stay updated on sustainability achievements within the community, discuss industry news with like-minded professionals, and register for exclusive free webinars. The platform also provides access to the 14-step Climate Action Roadmap, offering practical guidance with over 100 sustainability actions, as well as exclusive discounts on sustainability consultancy services and training.

What do you get by joining the Community Network?

  • Stay updated on sustainability achievements in the community and share your own.

  • Discuss sustainability news with like-minded professionals in technology and business.

  • Register for our upcoming free webinars that will be hosted on the platform.

  • Receive guidance on sustainability initiatives with our 14-step Climate Action Roadmap with 100+ actions.

  • Access exclusive discounts on sustainability consultancy services and training. 

Woman Holding Mobile Phone

Download the Techies Go Green Community Network App

The Techies Go Green Community Network is hosted by the Circle platform. Easily take community updates on the go by downloading the Circle app and logging in with your account username and password.

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